전체 글
[JavaScript] ES6/ES6 이란?With Computer/Web 2020. 1. 29. 00:10
ECMAScript is a standardized version of JavaScript with the goal of unifying the language's specifications and features. As all major browsers and JavaScript-runtimes follow this specification, the term ECMAScript is interchangeable with the term JavaScript. The most recent standardized version is called ECMAScript 6 (ES6), released in 2015. This new version of the language adds some powerful fe..
파이썬 관련 사이트With Computer/Python 2020. 1. 28. 23:41
https://repl.it/ PythonCourse Powerful and simple online compiler, IDE, interpreter, and REPL. Code, compile, and run code in 50+ programming languages: Clojure, Haskell, Kotlin (beta), QBasic, Forth, LOLCODE, BrainF, Emoticon, Bloop, Unlambda, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Scheme, APL, Lu repl.it 기타 다른 언어도 많네요, 니꼬 땡큐 :) https://docs.python.org/3/library/ The Python Standard Library — Python 3.8.1 d..